Thursday, February 14, 2008

To the Man I Love...

To the man who told me NH was too far away for him to date someone...

To the man who cried the first time my 2 yr old daughter called him "Daddy"...

To the man who, 2 1/2 years later, stood at the front of a church with me and promised to love me forever...

To the man who also promised to forever love and cherish my precious little 4 yr old...

To the man who danced to "A Dream Is a Wish Your Heart Makes" from Cinderella, at our wedding, in his first official dance as a father...

To the man who would learn to spend a LOT of time on the dance floor making his daughter happy...

To the man who changed Teddy out of his suit and cleaned him up when he blew out his diaper at my brother's wedding...

To the man who suggested we start a new family tradition and go apple picking every year...

To the man who found us a tree farm to go cut down a tree at b/c he knew his wife didn't want an artificial tree...

To the man who convinced me our kids needed to grow up with a dog in the house...

To the man who patiently waited by my side through the awful pregnancies and the delivery of each of our children...

To the man who cried as he held each of our babies for the first time...

To the man who can proudly wear a burp cloth as an accessory...

To the man who, every year, puts on a Patriots jersey because he knows how much his wife loves her team...

To the man who buys our daughter flowers and teaches our oldest daughter how a man should treat her on a date...

Who humors me and takes the kids to the ocean when we go home to NH, no matter how cold the water is..

To the man who plays softball year after year on a team with a losing record, just so we have an activity we can do together...

To the man who knows how important it is to me to go back to Petosky every year, and to take the kids to the spot where he proposed...

To the man who poses for way too many family pictures, just so his wife can scrapbook them...

To the man who, no matter how tired he is from work, is always able to transform himself into the best horsey in town...

To the man who braves the snow every year to get his wife that real tree...

To the man who took his wife to a Red Sox/ Tigers game, and sat next to her as she cheered for the Sox...

To the man who took on the responsibility of 3 kids for 2 weeks so that his wife could go on a missions trip to Peru...

To the man who has taught our son all the things a little boy should know... like how to play Poker...

To the man who is secure enough to let his wife be in the back of the canoe...

To the man who braved the 100+ degree days to take the family to Disney...

To the man who loves Donald Duck just a little more than any grown man should...

To the man who pulled this wagon up a muddy hill so the kids wouldn't have to walk up and get dirty...

To the man who knows how many tries it took to get this picture...

To the man who grew up with no sisters, and ended up with 3 little girls....

To the man who can play gameboy and quiet his cranky daughter at the same time...

To the man who puts up with his wife buying him and his son matching clothes...

To the man who puts up with his wife's obsession with covered bridges...

To the man who drove around to find a roadside stand to buy me fresh strawberries up North...

To the man who went out in the middle of a tornado and took me too Lake Michigan so I could watch the lightening over the lake...

To the man who stood on this spot 5 1/2 years ago and asked me to be his wife...

To the man who probably has sore shoulders from all of the times he has carried our kids...

To the only man I know who would try to pull off this hat...

To the man who is willing to learn new things to get projects done around the house...

To the man who said "let's bring the dog next year too!"...

To the man who knows this picture is a true capture of our home life most of the time... and is OK with that!...

To the man who can tell me what vendor supplies which items at Melting Pot b/c of his job at GFS...

And to the man who has been my best friend, my lover, and my husband for the past 5 years...

God truely blessed me the day he brought you into my life. I thank Him every day for you, and I love you SOOO much! Happy Valentine's Day Jeff!


Anonymous said...

You're so cute and thoughtful. Good job, Liz!!!

Anonymous said...

Awww!!! So sweet, Elizabeth! And I can't get over how LITTLE Meg looked at your wedding! Wow! :)

Rebekah said...

Awwww! That's so incredibly sweet!!!

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth, that was simply beautiful. What a wonderful husband and family you have!

Anonymous said...

Okay, I'm sitting here updating my blog, and thought...look at the now I'm crying!!! :) That was awesome!!! Cool journey through your lives too!

Bugle Boy said...

Wow...that was way cool! Thanks for taking the trip down memory lane so that we could enjoy it too. Jeff is truly amazing!