Thursday, October 02, 2008

First Day of School!

This would be a "better late than never" post! Teddy is officially a Kindergardener now, and loving it! This picture was taken the first morning before he got on the bus. He was very proud of his Spider Man backpack from his Guppa!

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Tea Party

My mother in law recently had a tea party for the girls and some of their cousins. Chessie and Anna especially had fun dressing up and drinking out of real tea cups, and Meg got to help make the little finger sandwhiches in the shape of tea pots. The girls had a great time Judi!!

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Blast from the Past

So last week for spirit week, Meg had to do "blast from the past" day. She said she wanted to dress up in something REALLY OLD, like "from the 80s, or cavemen, or something". Apparantly the 80s and cavemen are only a slight time period apart in her mind! Anyway, here was her outfit- oversized shirt knotted on the hip, stretch pants, and side ponytail. Anyone remember dressing this way for school? (you know, way back with the cavemen?!)

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I was informed that it's been a little while since I've posted pictures of Brady, so I thought I'd put up a few. He is 3 months old now, rolling over, smiling and laughing at his brother and sisters, and one of the most even-tempered babies of all of the kids!

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