Sunday, June 11, 2006

First Day with the kids

Well, I have finished my first full day in Peru. We had our team briefing meeting this morning after an AWESOME hotel breakfast of things like goats milk cheese and fresh pinapple. I lived off those two foods inEcuador, so I was so happy to see them at breakfast.

Our team meeting was discussing the day´s plans- we would be going to an orphanage that was specifically set up for siblings. This is one of the only homes in Peru set up like this - normally kids are seperated from their siblings and grouped by gender and age- but Buckner set up this one to allow the children to stay together.

We went out to lunch at a traditional peruvian restaurant before going to the orphanage. I got to eat a lot of south american foods I had forgotten about- yellow potatoes, fried tomatoes, carmelized milk topping every dessert, Fanta (orange soda that´s made from manderine oranges instead of regular ones). I laughed so hard though, when almost the whole team ate Qwi- and I was the only one who knew it was guinea pig (I told them all later on the bus :-)

The kids were so happy to see us at the orphanage! They ranged in age from 2-17. I was really struck by how many kids around 8 or 9 were caring for a younger toddler sibling. It got me thinking, if situations were different and something happened to Jeff and I, I couldn´t imagine Meg having the responsibility of caring for Teddy and Anna!!

We sang songs with the kids, then did a puppet show. The kids performed a traditional Peruvian dance for us . They also presented us each with a ceramic coffee cup that each of them had painted specially for us in their craft class. It was very humbling, thinking that we were going there to give stuff to the kids and do things for them, and they are so excited about performing for us and giving US gifts!

The medical team was about to see most of the 100 kids- diagnosing problems like ear infections, eye infections, and GI problems. Then, we got to do something really cool... Buckner runs a program called Shoes for Orphan Souls- so we had 200 pairs of shoes and we got to work with each kid and fit them with a new pair of shoes and socks. It kind of reminded me of Jesus washing the disciple´s feet as I sat on the ground, pulling holey shoes and socks off of the kids and fitting them with new ones. The lowest of the low, but it brought so much joy to us and the kids

There was a little 2 year old girl who really tugged at my heart. She had just turnded 2 and was there with her older brother who had just turned 3- they reminded me SOO much of Teddy and Anna (picking on eachother but also loving eachother a ton). Anyway, when we got to them, he pushed her ahead of him to make sure she got shoes first. We had one pair of light up shoes and they happened to fit her and she was SOOO thrilled. She went stomping around the yard trying to show everyone the lights and her brother proudly pointed them out to everyone.

I wanted to scoop those kids up and bring them home with me- I mean, same SIZE as Teddy and Anna too- so I would have clothes for them even! But most of the siblings aren´t adoptable there. Under Peruvian law, if the kids have any living relative- whether they´re interested in the kids or not- the kids are not adoptable. So if they have a 2nd cousin living somewhere in Peru, even if that cousin never comes to see them or sends anything for them, they can´t be adopted. This is so sad!

Anyway, we gave the kids their shoes, cross necklaces, and they each got a bible. The older ones were so eager to open them up and start reading to us. It´s great to see kids so thrilled to have their own Bible!!

Tomorrow is the day I know will break my heart- we are going to the baby home- 80 kids age birth to one who have all been abandoned. They are all available for adoption, and I know I´ll want to take them all home with me! I know so many families in the Grand Rapids area alone who would love to welcome these little children into their families! I´m excited though to bring all the blankets and clothes that so many people from TEA and our ABC at church donated!

Anyway, that´s it for tonight. I hope to walk down to the ocean tomorrow night because it´s only 2 blocks from here :-). Also, sorry about my typing- this is the first time I´ve used a Spanish keyboard!!

Keep praying!!


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