Friday, June 16, 2006

Single Moms home

This will be another quick update because its almost midnight and i need to get to bed because we're all taking a walk on the beach tomorrow before breakfast. We had an incredible day at the single moms home today, and I will expand more on that later though.
Prayer request- we were down at the shopping area by the water tonight and one of our team members had her camera stolen. The police caught the woman who took it but she had already passed it off to an acomplice, so the camera and a weeks worth of pictures from her and her mom are gone. Buckner's insurance will cover the cost of replacing the camera, but those pictures can not be replaced. Our translator offered to pay the woman if she "happens to find" the memory card from the camera. We'll see if it turns up.

I'll write about my day when I get a chance tomorrow. We will be going to a girls orphanage tomorrow that is for girls who have been rescued off the street from prostitution. Please pray for our continued witness here and that we will be able to accomplish all of our work projects.
I'll leave you of a picture of the beach by our hotel where we are going walking tomorrow morning.

Keep praying!


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