Tuesday, December 26, 2006

"Christmas Morning" at Nana & Grumpas

We spent Saturday night at Jeff's parents so that the kids could have a "Christmas morning" with Nana and Grumpa. They enjoyed waking up early and finding presents for them under the tree :-)
Meg received several Barbie dolls which she had asked for, including one that apparently comes with a cat and a litter box- you feed the cat water, it pees, and it comes with clumpable sand to put in the litter box which you then scoop out. Why this appeals to an 8 year old, I have NO idea!!!

Teddy was thrilled to receive another train for his Thomas wooden train set.

Antoinette designated herself as the official present-distribution person :-)

Anna received a pretend shopping cart from Nana & Grumpa which included a seat up top for her "baby". She played with this the rest of the day- going around the house "shopping" and taking things off bookshelves, etc.

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