Monday, October 30, 2006

A change of Date

Just wanted to give a quick update to everyone keeping track of my pregnancy that (as I knew was going to happen one of these days...), my due date has been pushed back. I always measure "right on" until somewhere in my 8th month and then I start falling behind, and this pregnancy unfortunately is no exception. I'm supposed to be at almost 33 weeks, but at my appt today I was measuring just over 30. Since all 3 of the other kids were 2 weeks late, we anticipated this coming. My former due date of Anna's birthday- December 23. Now, it has been changed to January 3 :-(. So, I will not be using my previously scheduled induction date of December 29th since it is now technically "Before" my due date. Soooo, it looks like I'm in for another 42 or 43 week pregnancy! Grrrr... :-Z

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bummer! That is NEVER what a pregnant woman wants to hear..."longer". UGH! I hope the weeks fly by for you so we can meet this little one! Oh, and your new due date is my anniversary...not a bad date at all. :)