Saturday, October 07, 2006

Everything Went Well :-)

I just wanted to post a quick update and let everyone know who was praying for Teddy that his surgery went wonderfully! The actual procedure only took about 20 minutes, he was very brave beforehand- especially when I wasn't allowed to accompany him to the operating room (his ENT doctor carried him down the hall to the OR). I was with him in recovery when he woke up, and while most of the kids around us were waking up crying, some screaming, and puking, Teddy pulled his eyes open and said "Hi mom". :-). When the nurse offered him a drink of water, he said "Ummm, no... soda please". So within 20 minutes of waking up, he was sitting in his recovery bed, drinking sprite, and watching Lion King. When it was time to go, the nurse let him pull out his own IV (which he thought was cool, because it was still spraying liquid everywhere). The hospital let him pick a Teddy bear to take with him home. He also insisted on bringing his "Jeffrey" giraffe and his "Guppa blanket" (a blanket me dad knit for him).

This was taken right after they wheeled him out of surgery and into recovery- snuggled up with his "Jeffrey" and his "Guppa Blanket"

This is Teddy right after he woke up (with his Sprite). He was a little groggy at first, but still very much his cheerful self.

We left the hospital about an hour after he woke up, and Teddy immediately requested chocolate milk and fries. So, we met Jeff at work (near the hospital) and went to get Teddy a happy meal. This picture is taken less than 2 hours after the procedure was done, and he is happily enjoying his french fries! He seems to have recovered rather quickly :-)


Anonymous said...

Teddy and Annaliese had matching jammies! :) Glad he did so well!

Amy said...

Glad to hear everything went well! I love the pic of Teddy snoozing with his animal and blanket...too sweet! I have your butter huggers, by the way. I brought them to church last Sunday, but left them in the car!