Sunday, June 11, 2006

I´m Here!

Hi everyone! Just wanted to post a quick note and let you know that we made it into the country safely last night. We ended up getting to our hotel around 2:30 AM, so since I left home at 2 AM Saturday, it was a LONG day of traveling. Those of you keeping track of me healthwise on the pregnancy front, I can honestly say that flying pregnant is a very weird feeling (the baby wasn´t too fond of it). The doctor on the trip already has me on a new anti'nausea med though that seems to be working well.

Though we were almost detained in Mexico city, we did end up making our flight to Peru. All of our bags made it through customs with minimal problems (some questions about the quantity of meds we were carrying)' their screening process is when you get up to the front of the line, you press a button a kiosk. If it turns green, you take your bags and walk through. If it turns red, your bags are searched. Unfortunately it was mostly our medical team that was searched. We did lose one bag through the airline- so please pray that it will be found. It was the personal bag of one of our high school guys.

Anyway, sorry for the short update but I need to head to the group meeting. I will be accessing my email fairly frequently so if you would like to email me directly, you can do so at . Thanks for praying!!


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